So first of all I’d like to know what comes to your mind when you hear the term BITCOIN HALVING. Just kidding I suspected you couldn’t form much from what this term means if you’re brand new to learning about Bitcoin.


Bitcoin halving is a special event that happens once every 4 years to control the amount of new bitcoins that are created and added to the Bitcoin Ecosystem. Just like you might have heard of new Fiat currencies being printed or gold being mined, new bitcoins are created through a process called “Mining”

What Effect Does Bitcoin Mining Have?

First, this helps to control the supply of bitcoins, so that there won’t be too many in circulation, and with this scarcity, they won’t lose value. Does this remind you of the basics of Supply and Demand? I bet it does and you are right.

Secondly, and most importantly for people, industries Etc that now use bitcoin as a form of money or investment,  the halving helps to keep the value of the bitcoins stable and predictable.

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